The Re-FREAM Manifesto is now available
Over three years, artists, designers, scientists and industry experts entered into the Re-FREAM co-creation processes. They collaborated through lab experiments and Zoom calls, imperfect outcomes and pivots, materials and contemplation, fuelled by brain cells and enthusiasm. Together, they conceived trailblazing solutions for pressing social and …
The New Normal
I recently spent five weeks in Berlin at the Fraunhofer IZM and a few days at Stoll in Reutlingen. It was an enriching experience to work and collaborate with a team of like-minded scientists, fashion and textile designers, as well as engineers. Together, we were …
Navigating the evolution of fashion tech
The evolution of fashion tech For centuries high fashion in itself has been accepted for its aesthetic and expressive value. Now that we have started to fuse and cross-pollinate this field of expression with other industries, like technology, into something called “fashion tech”, this seems …
Second skins research on responsive and adaptive materials
Over the past months, we did extensive research on activation methods and responsive reactive textiles usable for fashion integration. In this blog post, Christian Dils from IZM and I, Malou Beemer, will walk you through our process and findings. The hunt for responsive and adaptive …
Ignotum Co-Research
Today we would like to give you more detailed insights into our project “Ignotum” with the Re-FREAM consortium – a quick refresh on why we are doing this, how we got started, failed a bit and then finally found a direction with promising results. Then, …
Design principles, Second Skins
Before we take you with us on our research journey of the fusion between tech and fashion, finding usable materials and integration methods, I find it important to share our design vision with you. So, in this blogpost I will really focus on the backbone …
Second Skins, building the fundament
To develop a strong, coherent and relevant project, it is important to build a good foundation. Within this process, it is essential to always keep your main goals in mind. What are we working towards, why and for whom are we doing this? These questions …
Assa Ashuach – Footwear Time Based Design
Project title: Footwear Time Based Design / Assa Ashuach at The initial ReFream project phases focus on research, concept generation and some initial experiments. Meeting the project partners was very fruitful and in the past few weeks, we have managed to cover a wide …
We are Filippo Nassetti and Vincenzo Reale, and much of our work focuses on changing the notion of prostheses, from medical devices, to artworks and fashion products. Our previous work aimed at transforming artificial implants replacing missing body parts (“prostheses”), into technological extensions and augmentations …
syn·tro·py (sin’trō-pē), The antithesis of entropy, is the tendency towards energy concentration, order, organisation and life. The foundation of the project Syntropia are two individual projects Ra(h)menschuh by Sophia Guggenberger and Syntropic Materials by Eugenia Morpurgo. Ra(h)menschuh is an investigation into alternative construction methods …