What is Re-FREAM?
Re-FREAM was a collaborative research project where selected artists and designers teamed up with a community of scientists to rethink the manufacturing process of the fashion industry. The goal was to develop new concepts for the future of fashion by means of new processes and aesthetics that are inclusive and sustainable. Awarded artists received a grant of 55,000 Euros.

Press releases:
October 2021: Meet the Pioneers of Future Fashion in Berlin
September 2020: Re-FREAM: Presentation of prototypes at ARS ELECTRONICA 2020 & Open Call 2020
August 2020: Re-FREAM @ ARS ELECTRONICA 2020
July 10th, 2019: 10 innovative concepts, which will change fashion – International Jury awarded 10 ARTISTS to re-think fashion together with scientists

Re-Fream in the media (selection):
- Not for Real (May 2022): MAK: Ein Ort für den Modediskurs
- Oberösterreichische Nachrichten (March 2022): Welche Rolle Linz in der Mode der Zukunft spielt
- Innovationorigins.com (January 2022): Textile architect revolutionizes how clothes are shaped
- METROPOLIS (January 2022): Stratasys Envisions The Future of Fashion Through Direct-to-Textile 3D Printing
- Oberösterreichische Nachrichten (November 2021): Kommen Gewand und Schuhe künftig aus dem 3D-Drucker?
- fashionunited.nl (October 2021): Innovatie, co-creatie en social design: veel ruimte voor mode tijdens Dutch Design Week
- HORIZON (October 2021): Sustainable fashion aims to make green the new black
- all-electronics.de (February 2021): In Textilien integrierte Leiterbahnen für smarte Kleidung
- Itsliquid.com (Sept 2020): RE-FREAM PROJECT
- Futurenetzero.com (September 2020): Body scanners ‘could limit fashion industry’s carbon footprint’ – but how?
- 3D Printing Media Network (September 2020): Designers Ganit Goldstein and Julia Koerner explore direct-to-textile 3D printing
- Textile-Network.com (August 2020): The EU-funded project Re-FREAM
- VOGUE.it (August 2020): Moda sostenibile: Re-FREAM Project
- Oberösterreichische Nachrichten (August 2020): Wie die Mode der Zukunft zwischen Linz, Berlin und Valencia entsteht
- Innovationorigins.com (July 2020): Ein dreidimensionaler Ansatz könnte die Modeproduktion revolutionieren
- Not for Real (July 2020): Modeindustrie 4.0: Die Werkzeuge des 21. Jahrhunderts nutzen
- Innovaspain (March 31st 2020): Elena Guillén: “En Austria las empresas tienen muy claro que solo pueden ser competitivas si apuestan por la innovación”
- mujeremprendedora.net (February 27 2020): “La moda siempre ha sido un sector pionero, en parte por su temporalidad”
- Innovaspain (February 20 2020): Jef Montes, diseñador: “Todos queremos ser únicos en nuestras propias máscaras”
- Innovaspain (February 11 2020): Belén Hinojosa (Care Applications): “Es necesario actuar para que la industria de la moda deje de ser tan contaminante”
- treizhebdo.com (February 3 2020): Développement durable : Rejoindre le programme de recherches Re-FREAM pour repenser la mode
- 3dnatives.com (January 31 2020): Ganit Goldstein über 3D-Druck bei Mode
- modaes.es (January 23 2020): La moda y la investigación se dan cita en el primer Fashion and Technology Summit
- Nachrichten.at (January 22 2019): “Wir werden Kleidung künftig anders herstellen”
- Tips (January 21 2019): Creative Region: In Linz wird an der Mode der Zukunft geforscht

Pioneers of Future Fashion & Fashion-Tech:
The fashion production of the future will not only be determined by technology. Fashion means aesthetics; it requires imagination, precision and a deep understanding of color and shape. Thus it will need “new aesthetics” that will bring together artists and technologists. All such research results and experiences are being shared openly to build up a self-running and sustainable innovation community with artists and technologists.