MIXING ART & TECH The combination of technicians and artists gave a unique point of view for the projects developed during this nine-month co-creation period. From Care Applications we accompanied four artists from the Hub: “From linear to sustainable circular system” on their journey to …
The Re-FREAM Manifesto is now available
Over three years, artists, designers, scientists and industry experts entered into the Re-FREAM co-creation processes. They collaborated through lab experiments and Zoom calls, imperfect outcomes and pivots, materials and contemplation, fuelled by brain cells and enthusiasm. Together, they conceived trailblazing solutions for pressing social and …
Unique new nebulising UNO machine
The new machine which has been entirely engineered and developed by Care Applications within the frame of the Re-FREAM project, is called UNO. It is a sample machine for the garment processing industry, garment wash, garment dye, and garment finishing including functionalisation. What makes it …
-Sustainable Evolution- Capsule collection- Photoshoot and Video
This is the final stretch of my Sustainable Evolution project for ReFream. After many months of development I was able to finalize my prototypes to create a final video and photoshoot for this very special capsule collection. It was not an easy task to get …
Evolve IM’ biometric evolutionary footwear – At Milan MICAM X tomorrow
Excited to finally present my latest ReFream EU funded research, titled ‘Footwear Time Based Design’. With many thanks to the the ReFream team and project, that was set to rethink fashion and its synergies to life and science. Invited by our dear friend Federico Brugnoli, …
Ars Electronica Experience in Linz, Austria
Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria It was a great experience being able to attend and show my collection of scented and naturally dyed garments at Ars Electronica this year. Although my project wasn’t as technologically-aesthetic as others I saw, I still got great feedback …
Prototyping, natural dyeing and laser cutting
Prototyping, natural dyeing and laser cutting During this whole process, garment design and manufacturing has been at the center of our project. I have subcontracted professionals in this area as to have a better and more experienced approach into creating these garments. Textiles have been very …
Bacteria Dyeing
Dyeing with bacteria Bacteria experimentations: During these lasts months we have been thoroughly fermenting bacteria for dyeing with my mentor Alicia Romero, from the microbiology lab at Aitex. We conducted various experiments with our 2 strains of bacteria to see how to get them to …