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Re-FREAM is a collaborative research project where selected artists and designers team up with a community of scientists to rethink the manufacturing process of the fashion industry.

The goal is to develop new concepts for the future of fashion by means of new processes and aesthetics that are inclusive and sustainable. Awarded artists will receive a grant of 55,000 Euros.
Do you have what it takes?

join us and #rethinkfashion

If you want to re-think:

* processes
* traditions
* production methods
* design
* functionality
* fashion

Follow our invitation and:

* join our community of designers and scientists
* get access to new technology
* co-create and co-research on your project
* be awarded with a grant of 55.000,- Euros
* gain awareness for your fashion/tech project

By meeting our expectations you:

* choose a challenge in one of our three thematic hubs
* commit yourself for a nine months programme
* work on your project in a co-research and co-creation process
* share your experiences in several blog posts
* create a prototype and present it at the end

We facilitate co-creation in between
Artists and Scientists

20 teams are supported with a 55.000 € grant each and the technical support of Re-FREAM


Join our Community

All research results, co-creation processes and the technological tool box will be shared openly to build up a self-running and sustainable innovation community with artists and technologists. You can join our community and stay up-to date in many ways:

Latest News

Our blog is part of our open innovation approach. Research results and insights to our co-creation processes as well as information about the used technologies are being discussed in our blog - curated and written by our artists and technologists.

Meet the Re-FREAM Partners

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