-Sustainable Evolution- Capsule collection- Photoshoot and Video
This is the final stretch of my Sustainable Evolution project for ReFream. After many months of development I was able to finalize my prototypes to create a final video and photoshoot for this very special capsule collection. It was not an easy task to get …
Prototyping, natural dyeing and laser cutting
Prototyping, natural dyeing and laser cutting During this whole process, garment design and manufacturing has been at the center of our project. I have subcontracted professionals in this area as to have a better and more experienced approach into creating these garments. Textiles have been very …
Bacteria Dyeing
Dyeing with bacteria Bacteria experimentations: During these lasts months we have been thoroughly fermenting bacteria for dyeing with my mentor Alicia Romero, from the microbiology lab at Aitex. We conducted various experiments with our 2 strains of bacteria to see how to get them to …
Sustainable Evolution MidTerm
Midterm presentations were in mid April and it was a chance for all artists, technicians, hub managers and the rest of the organization committee to be able to see the progress in our projects. We at the Valencia hub (in Alcoy) were extremely lucky as …
Sustainable Evolution – Co-research
For the last couple of months I have been here at the Valencia Hub in Alcoy, working and co-creating with the technicians. We are trying to find optimal processes of dyeing sustainably with microorganisms and plants dyes. We have also been working with laser cutting …
Sustainable Evolution
Hi! Loreto here, my background is in Fashion design and art. For the last 10 years I have been developing my multidisciplinary ethical and sustainable practice. This practice converges in my brand ; anima. by loreto. anima. uses only locally bought, organic, recycled or deadstock …