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  • CRE - Wolfgang


Technology over Text – The Challenges of Research During a Global Pandemic

Chemistry over Zoom is not straightforward, especially when you have to explain an experiment that you have never done before to someone who has never...

3D printing & Textile Webinar – Ganit Goldstein & Guillaume Clement

  Join us  for the webinar – 27.8.2020 at 7pm CET for explaining our collaboration in hub Linz – combining the world of textiles and...

Making textile manufacturing adaptive

Flexible handling of textile materials in production is a difficult task. In contrast to other materials like metals, textiles are highly deformable and interact with...

Re-FREAM art/tech webinar 2020

In support of the recent second call, we will provide a webinar on the 7th of September 2020, in which our technology partners will introduce...


Following the motto of the festival In Kepler’s Gardens - A global journey mapping the ‘new’ world, we created the Re-FREAM Garden, which also looks at...

Alma and Females

At the beginning of July, the team started working on how to build ramifications within Alma’s ecosystem by answering this question:  In what ways can...

Yokai Face Masks | Part Two

Going Into Production Other important issues we had to consider were the choice of fabric as well as the form of strap-application. It was important...

Yokai Face Masks | Part One

Fashion Beyond the Crisis After our successful testing and try out sessions for the YOKAI seaming solution (see previous blog post), our motivation to stay...

Digital Vogue – Exhibition “NEAR + FUTURES + QUASI + WORLDS”

Re-Fream is almost coming to an end but I am thrilled that the exhibition “NEAR + FUTURES + QUASI + WORLDS” by S+T+ARTS recently exhibited...

Marinero – 6

*Melt coating production Jürgen Leßlhumer from Wood K Plus wrote a summary based on interview questions: Can you explain what exact materials are used to...