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On Tuesday 23. June2020 at 17:00 h CET +2 (Spain), Aitex is hosting the third Re-FREAM online webinar. Stakeholders from the technology and fashion industry are invited to join the Re-FREAM artists and scientists during the 90 min webinar.

Our goal is to connect you with our partner network, scientists, artists as well as likeminded people from our community.

The webinar is structured in a diverse and fun manner so that the keynote and panel discussion are complemented by interactive and playful breakout sessions. There is even a chance for you to become part of the official program by applying for the open mic session, which gives you a chance to tell our audience about your solution or request in a 3 min pitch.

Some of the topics will cover:

  • Co-Creation between technology and artistic sphere.
  • Vegan Leather based on residues of cork caps for bottles.
  • ‘Adaptative archifilament’ thread that modifies its shape with meteorological phenomena.
  • ZeroWaste fashion line, products without generating fabric residue.
  • Materials based on natural products and food waste, 100% biodegradable.



16:45Doors open: Networking in small groups
17:00Intro to Re-FREAM Valencia Hub
by Carolina Prieto, Hub Valencia Manager (AITEX)
17:10Keynote: Sustainability & the future of fashion
by Carmina Ferri, CEO Care Applications
17:25 Get to know Hub Valencia team: artists & technicians 
with the Re-FREAM Teams from the Valencia Hub:
Leather for Vegetarians
(Fabio Molinas)
(Jef Montes)
Fragments Garments
(Elisabeth Jayot)
Cooking new Materials
(Youyang Song)
17:45Panel discussion on sustainable technologies to re-think fashion with the Re-FREAM Teams from the Valencia Hub
18:15Q & A session
18:45Dissemination of social media and call and Goodbye

Hurry, spots are limited

Watch the recording

CRE - Wolfgang
Author: CRE - Wolfgang

Wolfgang is communication manager for Re-FREAM and project manager at CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria.