Fragments Garments #6 – Co-creation residency in Hub Linz (Part 2)

Modeling Foot Arch for 3D Printed Shoes
Now that the shoe high heels were prototyped, I needed to adapt them perfectly to the foot arch. To do so, I needed a precise 3D model of what we call a “shoe form”, i.e. a plastic made foot matrix on which shoemakers glue and pin layers of leathers to create the shape of the shoe. Even if Haratech was not one of my official project partners I had the chance to use their body scan to achieve this complex task.

Body Scanning at Haratech
Once the shoe form put in place on the platform, we had to correctly direct the lighting on it following which the body scan started to rotate around the object and to take dozen of pictures of it. We followed the procedure on the control screen which showed us the view of the four camera lens in action and the process remaining time.

Once the shoe form model had been extracted with the body scan, I had to convert the foot arch into a shoe sole to be used as a base for my high heel shoe design, which will further be developed in the next posts.