A New Digital Deal
This year’s Ars Electronica Festival is calling for a “New Digital Deal”. The motto of the festival refers to a completely new way of dealing with current problems that presupposes two things: Room for initiative, which we urgently demand, and the ability to act, which is just as urgently needed to acquire.
Fascinating exhibitions, inspiring talks and conferences, theme-specific guided tours, workshops and great concerts featuring digital and/or classical music, all taking place in Linz and 100 other locations around the globe: from September 8 to 12, the Ars Electronica Festival will once again take the stage as a hybrid event.
Once again, the festival becomes a worldwide anchor point and will take place physically not only in Linz but all over the world – dozens of partner institutions around the globe will open their Ars Electronica Gardens with their content, which can also be experienced via the Internet as the hybrid Ars Electronica.
Re-FREAM Exhibition
We created the so called Re-FREAM Garden, which also looks at fashion from a new perspective. The results of six co-creation projects will be shown, illustrating the potential of combining art with technology, crafting and sciences.
The following artist from the 2nd call of Re-FREAM will exhibit their prototypes and samples which they developed together in close co-creation with their technical and scientific partners over the last nine months:
Filippo Nassetti & Vincenzo Reale, Post-Natural Prostheses
Sophia Guggenberger & Eugenia Morpurgo, Syntropia
Silke Hofmann, Needs-Based Bra Alternative
Loreto Binvignat, Sustainable Evolution
Alex Bello, Neo Botanical Tailoring
Tim Van der Loo & Sandra Nielsen, New Blue
The Re-FREAM Garden is placed in the festival’s Kepler’s Gardens area at the JKU Library & Learning Centre, Linz. Open from September 8-12, 2021.
Re-FREAM Talk: Made in Your City
New technologies and processes enable fashion production to return to places where textiles are worn. Right next to consumers, accustomed to their individual needs, produced out of sustainable materials. Re-FREAM´s vision is to make fashion production, processes and materials more sustainable and inclusive and urban manufactured.
In this panel, our artists, designers and external experts discuss their perspectives on future options of clothing production. They share their experiences with inclusive development processes, new sustainable material and encountered chances of urban manufacturing.
The Panel: Filippo Nassetti, Vincenzo Reale, Sophia Guggenberger, Eugenia Morpurgo, Loreto Binvignat, Alex Bello, Tim Van der Loo, Sandra Nielsen, Anke Loh, Malou Beemer, Silke Hofmann (all Re-FREAM), Karin Fleck (Vienna Textile Lab)
Moderated by: Christiane Luible-Bär (UFG Linz) and Isabel Berz (IED Madrid)
The online panel will take place on September 9, 5:45 pm (CET). Further details and a link will be available soon.
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