Festival Wrap-Up
For five days, the Ars Electronica Festival once again pitched its tents in Linz – with numerous inspiring exhibitions, performances and workshops in tow. This year’s Ars Electronica Festival was calling for a “New Digital Deal”. The motto of the festival refers to a completely new way of dealing with current problems that presupposes two things: Room for initiative, which we urgently demand, and the ability to act, which is just as urgently needed to acquire.
More than 600 artists accepted the invitation to Linz and presented their installations, projects and performances at the 2021 Ars Electronica Festival in Linz. 186 partners from 47 countries made 86 festival gardens around the globe blossom with their exhibitions, conferences, concerts, performances and guided tours.
Re-FREAM Exhibition
In our so called Re-FREAM Garden, we exhibited the results of six co-creation projects, illustrating the potential of combining art with technology, crafting and sciences. Filippo Nassetti and Vincenzo Reale, Sophia Guggenberger and Eugenia Morpurgo, Silke Hofmann, Loreto Binvignat, Alex Bello, Tim Van der Loo and Sandra Nielsen presented their research results, prototypes and samples which they developed together in close co-creation with their technical and scientific partners over the last nine months. The visitors were excited and their huge interest and positive feedback once more underlines the need for change and perspectives in order to create a new value chain for fashion.
The Re-FREAM artists presenting their project results and with city councillor Doris Lang-Mayerhofer, Christopher Lindinger (Vice Rector for Innovation & Research JKU Linz) and Gisa Schosswohl (Lead Project Coordinator). © Creative Region Linz and Upper Austria
Re-FREAM Talk: Made in Your City
In our panel, our artists, designers and external experts discussed their perspectives on future options of clothing production. They shared their experiences with inclusive development processes, new sustainable material and encountered chances of urban manufacturing. The panel was part of the STARTS day program and streamed online to a global audience.
You can watch the record of our panel on Youtube:
© Ars Electronica, Tom Mesic
The Panel: Filippo Nassetti, Vincenzo Reale, Sophia Guggenberger, Eugenia Morpurgo, Loreto Binvignat, Alex Bello, Tim Van der Loo, Sandra Nielsen, Anke Loh, Malou Beemer, Silke Hofmann (all Re-FREAM), Karin Fleck (Vienna Textile Lab), Anastasia Pistofidou (Fablab);
Moderated by: Christiane Luible-Bär (Kunstuniversität Linz)