Brook Preloader

KEY POINTS of LEBIU – Hub Valencia

In this article, I explain what are the main values of my project. During the co-creation process, I was able to cover various socio-environmental areas that had been left apart in the presentation of the concept at the beginning of Re-FREAM experience.

I tried to make it more clear in a short video where sustainability and circular economy are the pillars of the final product.

Questions regarding problem-solving, environmental protection and social benefits are summarized in the video, which is also related to the Mid-Term presentation at IED Madrid.

Have a look to LEBIU video below

Compared to real leather, production costs are reduced and a new awareness is generated around the ecology in the end-user, valorizing bio-by-products. It also promotes de rural economy since a part of the big companies, there are 600 small factories and artisans that produce stoppers among the Mediterranean countries. It could reboot some companies stuck in the past, becoming competitive against plastic stoppers production. 

Additionally, the processes to obtain the powder are already in place, which means that we would not add a new toll to CO2 emissions – rather we would be maximizing the efforts and not importing raw materials from other countries and promoting the local economy.

Feel the tree skin. feel LEBIU.

CRE - Wolfgang
Author: CRE - Wolfgang

Wolfgang is communication manager for Re-FREAM and project manager at CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria.