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We want you

Re-FREAM is looking for artists and designers to co-create innovative fashion concepts together with researchers using novel production technology. Artists and designers from all over the world are welcome to submit their proposals for the second call.

Apply until October 1, 3pm (extended from September 30, 2020)

Complete the following registration to create your profile and have access to the STARTS platform, where you can submit your proposal, as well as follow the evaluation process.


Join us

Re-FREAM is designed for you

You are...

an artist in the textile fashion space?

You want...

to combine art & fashion with technology to re-think fashion to make it more sustainable, 3D printable or interactive?

You miss...

exposure, attention, access to technology, funding, community?

How it works


Complete the following registration to create your profile and have access to the STARTS platform, where you can submit your proposal, as well as follow the evaluation process.


We provide an application toolbox with all important information and documents, such as the evaluation criteria, insights on our art/tech methodology, guidelines for your application and information about the timeline, conditions and selection process.


Once you made yourself familiar and drafted your application, please log in and submit your proposal. You will need to answer the evaluation questions and upload the requested documents. You can save your proposal and access your saved proposal with your login data at any time. Please do not forget to submit your proposal.

Selection Process

The evaluation process consists of 2 steps, a pre-selection and final evaluation. After the closing of the call, you will be able to follow the status of your proposal in the selection process. A group of experts will pre-select 18 proposals in the first phase. An international jury will receive the best proposals and evaluate them using the same evaluation criteria.


  • 1st July – 30th September 2020: Application phase (extended to October 1, 3pm)
  • 1st October – 22nd October 2020: Pre-selection phase
  • 23rd October 2020: Announcement of shortlisted artists
  • 26th October-15th November: Final jury sessions
  • 15th November 2020: Announcement of 2nd call winners
  • January 2021: Welcome gathering (tba)
  • January – September 2021: Art/Tech collaboration between artists and technology partners in our three hubs

Welcome to the community. You are almost there!

We want to give you as much information as possible to help you better understand where your vision can take you. However, please feel free to reach out to us anytime with more questions, thoughts, concerns and inspirations. If you need any help, we support you with our application helpdesk.

Learn more about Re-Fream

Re-FREAM is a research project that invites artists and designers to connect with scientists on common ground to rethink the manufacturing process of the fashion industry. This supercollision of ideas will give way to unforeseen ideas and a new aesthetic that is human-centered, inclusive and sustainable. Re-FREAM is a pillar of the STARTS Programme (Science + Technology + Arts), an initiative of the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.