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What is Re-FREAM?

Re-FREAM was a collaborative research project where selected artists and designers teamed up with a community of scientists to rethink the manufacturing process of the fashion industry. The goal was to develop new concepts for the future of fashion by means of new processes and aesthetics that are inclusive and sustainable. Awarded artists received a grant of 55,000 Euros. 


Re-Fream in the media (selection):


Pioneers of Future Fashion & Fashion-Tech: 

The fashion production of the future will not only be determined by technology. Fashion means aesthetics; it requires imagination, precision and a deep understanding of color and shape. Thus it will need “new aesthetics” that will bring together artists and technologists. All such research results and experiences are being shared openly to build up a self-running and sustainable innovation community with artists and technologists.


Press inquiries:

Wolfgang Gumpelmaier-Mach